Friday, May 16, 2014

Here are my answers! Thanks for the nomination Kait :D

1. If you had three wishes from a Genie what would you ask for? (And the three rules apply: you cannot make anyone fall in love with you, You can't bring someone back from the dead, and you can't kill anyone) Cure for diabetes (And other in curable things) A telleporter, and a southern style mansion for me Kait and Julia to live in :)

2.  What's your favorite time of the day and why?
Night time because I am more awake and at peace :)

3. Favorite childhood memory?
My favorite child hood memory would be the first time I swam in the pool without floaties and found out I could stay under water for three minutes!

4, Which do you like better, heat or cold?
Cold because I am a naturally hot natured person and I hate sweating.

5. If you could any one superpower what would it be?
If it had to be anything I would want power over earth or water because I am a grounded and calm person but more water because I practically live in it from late spring to early fall.

6. which do like more paperback books or Ebooks?
Paper back reading Ebooks hurts my eyes.

7. Out of the three which piece of technology which one do you think you could live without, TV, smartphone, or computer?
TV Phone I need for emergancies and computer is were all my magic happens :)

8. Why did you start your blog?
Well I am very into crafting right now and I wanted to share what I could do :)

9. If you inherited 20 acres of land and a million dollars what would you do with it? Build a house, a barn, get horses, alpacas, angora goats, angora rabbits, chickens and cows along with a garden.
Publish my own novel.

10. What's your goal in life?
To write and be a writer along with an established crafter

11. Do you love/follow Christ?
yes I do and I am not ashamed of that fact :) He loves me and I love and follow Him.

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