Thursday, September 11, 2014

Big News!

Big news everyone! I know I haven't been keeping you very updated on my craft stuff but let's just say I am a very dedicated crocheter :)

Soon I will be opening a Etsy shop! Selling Amigurmi it is a Greek style of crocheting that I have picked up on lately but also I'm going to start making hats and such :) Expanding you know?

I started crocheting when I was about six and I put it down for nine years because I thought all you could do was scarves and blankets (That's what my family did with it anyway) but now I am crocheting faster then ever :)

Anyway I will post pictures of my latest project and a link to my etsy shop too.

Also I am making a website mascot. Betsy Bee :)

Pictures will be posted soon :)