So I have a mini rant to type up here. It's about yarn, as you know from my last post I have recently picked up crochetting and knitting. (Pictures will be posted soon I promise).
It's about yarn, or really the price of it. It's insane!
Take, for instance, Lion Brand Hometown USA yarn, I am not bashing Lion Brand they have very wonderful acrylic yarn it's wonderful and so is their wool yarn, but the price for one skein is outrageous!
Let me tell you how,
So I am making this project for my friend, crocheting a plushie Om Nom for her cause she loves the little guy, perfect gift right? Right. Until I run out of yarn. The type of yarn mentioned above, in Mongentry Lime.
I had seen this yarn at Wal-Mart before so I thought, Okay I'll just pick some up there no big deal.
It has turned out to be a bigger deal then I thought! Do you know how hard it is to find the exact shade? Yes I know the dye lot I know the brand and the color name even the class of yarn it is.
But no one in my area carries it.
Not even Walmart they carry a darker green as annoying as that is. I know your thinking. 'Just use a different brand!' But no because this is a chunky yawn a very thick bulky yarn that I really like. And even if I did find another brand the shades and texture wouldn't be the same!
Finally after months of searching my mom and I went to Tyler, I went into Handcock Fabrics to see if they carried yarn and they did in the very back right hand corner, low and behold there was the brand that I needed to finish my poor little one legged Om Nom. There were three skeins left in the basket I was about to grab one too I only had twenty dollars to spend though, thus my problem.
It was eleven to fifteen dollars, now I don't know if that is the company or just the brand but that is to darn much! Even for a Jumbo skein which this was not it was a simple average skein!
I swear it's like they know you just need this one little skein to finish the project not even the whole thing! (I may have needed a fourth of it! If that!) And they prey on it that wanting to finish the product! The yarn vultures.
So alas....he is still a one legged Om Nom but he will be finished! Oh yes I will finish him! Never fear!